Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy birthdays and goodbyes

I'm gonna get through the rest of our trip today! Maybe... If the pink baby on the floor playing with her panda rattle will let me! We'll see. She's looking at me now - eating her toes. I love that she's found her toes. haha. OK seriously - back to Haiti. (I get so sidetracked talking about Charlie girl).

Wednesday, March 28th:
HAPPY 5 MONTHS TO MY SWEET CHARLIE GRACE! I bet she has grown so much this week. So far today has been super relaxed. We went to the area where Mackenson was found. It was so sad. It was incredible to see that people live in such poor conditions. There was just trash on the ground, and their faces were dirty. Two little boys were playing with blown up condoms. Like they were balloons. If only it would click in people's minds (both in Haiti and in the US, and everywhere else for that matter) that those aren't balloons for children. It was a little frustrating.
Then we went to this BEAUTIFUL beach area where we did some serious shopping from a lady who had stuff just set out on a folding table. There were hand crafted bracelets, wooden boxes, bowls, etc. I wanted it all. I was wishing I had brought more $ and a bigger suitcase. The land here is beautiful. It's so sad that it's overrun with poverty. It could be such a rich place if it were better taken care of.
We are supposed to go to the Hills later to witness to an after school program that they are starting. I can't wait! I helped revise the story and feel good that I'm going to help instead of shying into the background.The kids up the mountain where we went hadn't heard much about Jesus. We told them the story of Jesus and the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. They were all very interested. You could see it on their faces that they were listening!! Then we gave them a soccer ball. You would think it was Christmas! They went wack-a-doo over it! It was fun to watch. I have been so blessed by being here. I'm growing - call me small fry if you want ... but I'm growing! 
I mentioned that it was my Charlie girl's 5 month "birthday" and that she was born at 7:14 pm. Michele was kind enough to let me use her cell phone!! I text my mom and had her come down to my house so I could talk to Charlie at exactly 7:14 to say happy birthday! I could hear her goo'ing and ahh'ing on the other end of the phone for a second. Then I'm sure she just looked at it, wondering why the "little black box" sounded like mommy. It made me happy and sad all at once. But how blessed is my daughter to have 2 grandmothers here watching her during the day, a daddy to spoil her rotten when he's off work, an auntie Mandy who adores her to pieces, a Big Daddy who is wrapped around ALL of his grandbabies fingers and a ton of other family and friends praying for her. Yes, my child is loved. For this, I am forever grateful, forever thankful. (see, sidetracked again).....

Thursday, March 29th:
Today we went to the beach AGAIN. It was soooo fun. The waves were huge! Mom would have told me to come closer to the shore. Ha. Then we came back and played with the kids the rest of the day. Tonight, when we were getting ready to say goodnight, Fenel told them we were leaving. Richardson and the older ones cried. We ALL cried. It's amazing how attached you can become in just one week. We tucked them in and I held Lucien's face and told him that me and Jesus love him and that he was beautiful. He held me so tight as I was tucking him in. I prayed over that sweet child and cried and cried not knowing when I would see him again. I think I told him a million times that he is strong and he is a child of God and that I loved him so very much. I went to kiss his little cheek. That wasn't good enough for him I suppose. He smacked one right on my lips. My instinct was to pull away as quickly as possible (I'm so not a lovey-dovey gal), but this child probably NEVER gets kissed goodnight. He probably never gets affection from someone outside of the workers at the House of Abraham. So, a quick goodnight kiss from my little Haitian boy. I hugged all the children and told them each that Jesus loves them and goodnight.
After the kids were all asleep, we went up to get our bags packed and ready for the morning. Then, we went downstairs, blew up 100 balloons and wrote on them. We wrote their names, our names, "i love you," "Jesus loves you," and other little sayings and doodles. Such a good idea - I THINK it was Amanda's idea! Good job BFF.

I miss Lucien. I miss all of the kids, but my heart aches to see Lucien's face. I want him to know my baby girl. I want my husband to know him. I want Jacob to fall in love with him like I did. I don't necessarially think that we are to adopt Lucien, but I want to always have a bond and relationship with him. I want us to remain in contact, to watch him grow, to support him in his walk with God, and with his education. I want him to know that there is a family in Mississippi who adores him and thinks he is amazing. I want to learn Hatian Creole just so I can write him letters. I want him to have a computer so he can skype when he's older. I want him to be happy. I want him to do big big things for Haiti when he's a "papa." I want to see him and hear his sweet soft voice again. It hurts thinking about him now like it hurt thinking about my Charlie Grace when I was there. I have peace because he is at the House of Abraham and they love him. They are raising him in a good home and they take care of him. They are genuinely concerned with his future. Fenel, thank you a million times for taking care of him and the others like you and Mimi and your staff do. Tell that boy that Stephanie Walley loves him ..... and that Jesus loves him! 

1 comment:

  1. Ann see you remembered so much more than I did :) ahhh I'm NOT going to cry!!! I bet Lucien thinks about you every day...can't wait til we can go back and see them :)
