Friday, April 6, 2012

Lucien and Mackenson

Oooh, today's a good one! I get to talk about two little boys that have taken hold of my heart.

First up is Lucien. Just saying his name makes my heart ache. I miss him so much more than I thought I even could miss someone that wasn't "mine." I'm just gonna write what my journal says:

Monday, March 24th (morning):
So far today has been pretty slow. The kids are in school so some of the crew is downstairs painting the walls. The rest of us stayed upstairs and organized the snacks and crafts for the week. Once we saw the kids getting home, we raced down the stairs. One boy, Lucien, has become my best friend. If we play a game or do anything, he always finds me Even from the car, I saw him scan through all of us and when his eyes caught mine, I saw a huge smile. He will be 7 on December 18th. Every time I think about leaving him, I cry. Not sure what that's all about, but it sure has my heart hurting. On the flip side, I sure do miss my sweet Charlie Grace and Jacob. I wish Jacob were here to see all of this. I just know he would love it.
*i'm skipping all the story from the middle of this day, FOR NOW. Gotta finish about my Lucien.*
So we get back to the House of Abraham and it was back to playing with the kiddos. Lucian was right by my side the whole night. He would not let go of my hand - to the point that his tiny grip hurt a little. But I'm definitely NOT complaining. Those huge eyes and that big happy smile get me. He is such a happy boy. He taught me all of the Haitian Creole words for the colors. I love this child.

 ok, ok, get out your hankies folks. I'm gonna share about little Mack! 

If you haven't heard the back story of baby Mackenson, you should! Here's his story.Ok, after you've finished crying I'll go on ........ again, going straight from the journal:
So, we went to the Hands and Feet Orphanage today. It was the most amazing experience so far. The first gate was guarded by a lady with a HUGE gun over her shoulder. Then there was a 2nd locked gate. Their orphanage was 4 huge 2 story white buildings. Each building had "homes" in each quadrant. Like there were 2 upstairs and 2 downstairs. Each "home" had a house mother and approximately 6-11 children. Keep in mind that this is 6-11 kids in ONE room. with ONE bathroom and ONE small table, with ONE adult.When we got there, I was overcome with emotion. I instantly started crying. I couldn't breathe. I don't know how, but somehow I have to help this place. Steven was the guy in charge there. He began showing us around. And although we were listening a little, we were all more interested in scanning the children to get a look at baby Mackenson! Betty told him that Michele was in the process of adopting him! So, he instantly took us to his "house." He was asleep. In his little diaper and football jersey. He was facing the wall, so we didn't get to see his sweet face. Just his little tush in a diaper. :) We went upstairs where we did our VBS story with about 20 kids. They really liked the animal noises that we did with the Noah story. As we were heading downstairs, heading to talk to Steven again near the front of the orphanage, I hear Betty yell "michele!" I turn around (yes, I know I'm not Michele, but I'm nosey). I turn around and see Betty holding Mackenson. I RAN over and flipped on my video camera!! *I had already asked Michele if it was ok* I got to watch as Michele met her sweet baby boy for the first time. Mackenson hugged his mommy so tight and looked so peaceful in her arms. It was so incredible to be a part of that. It was like he KNEW that she belonged to him. Michele's daughters Heather and Kat took turns holding him too. They can talk big all day long, but that little man already has their hearts melted. They are going to be such awesome big sisters to him. Heather's gonna teach him how to take pictures of himself in a bathroom mirror, and Kat's gonna teach him how to play ball like a champ! (just kidding BFF's). Saying goodbye to him was tough. I was sad leaving my little girl for 7 days. I can't even imagine how much it would hurt to say goodbye to your child and not know when you would see him again. The good news is that Mackenson and the Henley family have an entire church praying for them! He has more aunts and uncles and people ready to babysit him than most. :) He'll go from one extreme to the very opposite!!!! I can't wait to see little Mackenson at Colonial Hills. That'll be a good day!

I finally had my meltdown tonight. I cried and cried in the shower. I miss my husband and baby girl so much it's almost more than I can take. But I just keep praying that God will wrap Himself around me and comfort and protect me. He's good at that. I sucked it up.. I'm making it pretty good.

Count your blessings. The ones near and far. I'm planning to spend this good friday with my man and our baby girl. God is good. Very good. He's taking care of us. He's taking care of Lucien. He's taking care of Mackenson... and all the other sweet children in the world. Tell Him thanks.. For taking care of your family, for GIVING you your family, and for giving you HIS family. His only son - came just for you. To save you so you could spend forever with Him. Oh glorious day....

1 comment:

  1. Ann this is such a good blog! I know you miss Lucien like I miss Richardson...can't wait til we see our boys again :)
